National Memorial Arboretum – Battle of the Somme 100 year Anniversary

To commemorate the centenary of the Battle of the Somme (30th June 1916 – 18th November 1916) we visited the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire to pay our respects to those who lost their lives in service for their country. From what we understand, there were 419,654 Commonwealth casualties in the Somme Offensive, of which 95,675 were killed. On the first day alone 19,240 soldiers lost their lives. To remember those who died on 30th June, 19,240 soldiers are being painted, each soldier representing a life that was taken. My mum, sister and I have painted our own soldiers. Lasting 141 days, it is regarded as the bloodiest battle fought in British history. As A.P. Herbert wrote, ‘Every Englishman has a picture of the Somme in his mind, and I will not try to enlarge it.’ 

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